Shop lease reform paused

The Scottish Law Commission (SLC) has written to SWA to confirm that possible reform of the law relating to termination of shop and warehouse leases has been paused.
Last September, SLC invited SWA to submit views on possible reform of the law as set out in the Tenancy of Shops (Scotland) Act 1949.
Its letter to SWA says that “due to a lack of consensus in how any reform should take place, more work needs to be done in order to come up with effective law reform proposal”. This proposal would need to command the support of the majority of those likely to be most directly affected.
In addition, SLC said that “due to constraints on time and resources, it is not possible for us to carry out this work within the scope of our current law reform project” and that it “hopes to be able to return to it in a future phase of our work on leases”.
SWA would like to thank members who gave us a response for our submission to the commission and is pleased that the current outcome is favourable to the thoughts of those who replied.